Making progress

Things are looking better each day in regards to the recovery from hurricane Helene. We’ve been in and out of Spruce Pine over the last 2 weeks delivering gas and supplies and it’s getting much easier to move around.

A quick note: From what I see on the ground, they have abundant supplies available at many drop points, the main ask is for chainsaw chains, bar oil, mixed fuel, camping stoves, small propane tanks and small heaters propane heaters. Those are the most common items being sought out along with gas.

As things stabilize, we plan to slow our visits to once a week and as soon as our family and friends are back on the power grid, I will be removing the “buy a can of gas” BUT!!! If you know someone in the area who needs help, specifically a can of gas- reach out and we will try to help.

Thank you all for the generous support - Jay